Category Energy Management

4 Benefits of the Energy Management System

Energy Management System

One of the toughest challenges for electricity consumers nowadays is to reduce electricity costs as a result of increasing electricity prices.

The energy management system is comprised of computer-aided tools and it is controlled by the electric utility grid operators. It helps to monitor and optimize the performance of a generation system. For efficient energy management, this system is vital for households and workplaces.

The basic purpose of this system is to monitor the energy-consuming devices such as fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, lighting, etc.

If you want to invest in the high-tech energy management system then it will provide you long-term beneficial results. It will minimize your bills and the overall expenses too. If you run a business then it will help you to manage your office bills and to run it smoothly.

Here are some of the benefits of installing the Enernatural energy management system in your facility.

Manage Costs

One of the ways to reduce utility costs is to integrate the energy management systems in your facility. The system is designed to track the overtime and to provide you complete access to historical energy data. It helps you to manage overall expenses within the budget.

Improving Safety for Employees

Energy management systems not only provide you an efficient way to save energy but also ensures safety for the employees working in your company. When you provide a comfortable work environment, then overall productivity will also improve.

Better Performance

High-tech and efficient energy management systems make a great impact on employees working in your company. It also reduces the monthly billing cost and energy waste. You’ll be able to save money and to spend it on other areas such as marketing, salaries, investment, etc.

Energy Management System

Greater ROI

Built-in features in EMS allows you to save cost by emitting the power at peak times. By identifying the energy leaks, you’ll be able to generate greater ROI.

Improved return on investment means good profit and when you start earning good profit, you could spend it anywhere you want for the betterment of your business.

Thus installing the Energy Management system will not only reduce your energy consumption but will also let you make savings that will eventually lead to good ROI.

If you want electrical energy management and reporting services then get in touch with EnerNatural. We provide accurate and transparent energy monitoring services that provide you the management and reporting structure of your monthly electricity.

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Electricity metering system for multi rise buildings

Electricity metering system for multi rise buildings

Electricity is the main ingredient to enlighten homes and running life without which no one can move. For measuring the energy consumption, the electricity providers install electricity meters that calculate units consumed and generate monthly bills which we are bound to pay.

When it comes to “multi-rise buildings” which are spread vertically and counts hundreds of apartments, there are main meters from the electricity provider and sub-meters installed at each apartment by the building management. Mostly, these sub-meters are not up to consumers’ satisfaction. Reasons being:

  • These electric meters do not have automated reporting capability and require physical inspection for taking the meter reading.
  • Customers can’t get any consumption analysis during the mid of the month and always have to wait until the end of the monthly billing cycle to see the overall consumption and bill.
  • Hence, it’s too late to take any action for overbilling due to high consumption or any incorrect meter reading by the reader.
  • There is always a doubt over the abnormally high reading of electric bills as it may come with human error or delayed reading.
  • Thirsty stealers can hook wires at those meters to enjoy free electricity at your expense.

Leaving all the above drawbacks or pitfalls aside, Enernatural has brought a real-time Smart Electricity Monitoring and Metering Solution to tackle all these challenges and provide you accurate and reliable monthly billing for your complete satisfaction.

Smart Metering Solution

Multi-rise buildings have lots of issues regarding electricity distribution systems and meters installed at the apartments. Sometimes there occur arguments among a building owner, management and residents regarding meters’ inefficiency and inaccurate measurement capability and high electricity bills.

Viewing these issues and challenges, Enernatural has come up with a smart & advanced state-of-the-art energy metering system that offers a complete electricity measurement, data management and automatic billing system where your data is reported in real-time while keeping it on a server over the cloud-based connectivity. cloud-based connectivity.

You can check electricity consumption data on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis or even your past consumption records by going online to analyze the prior and current consumption trends for understanding any reasoning for the changes in your electricity consumption.

It also notifies you the reason of irregular spikes in electricity bills and any abnormal change in your monthly bills. Our system also provides reasoning including weather changes.

Wireless Metering System

The smart meters that Enernatural is providing for the multi-rise buildings are free from wires. These meters have sim-card connectivity which tracks and saves your consumption data and gives you a real-time report whenever you want.

These meters eliminate certain dangers as no one has to go and read the meter for calculating electricity consumption units. It is a favorable metering system that is beneficial in multi-faceted ways.

Electricity metering system for multi rise buildings

Tampering-Proof Meters

It is a common doubt among electricity consumers that their electricity bills are charged without numerical tampering! Is the current metering system capable enough to be believed! Or how the metering system will generate the consumption record if the meter gets faulty or damaged due to any technical reason!

The Enernatural’s electricity metering system for multi-rise buildings assures that the meters are fully tamper-proof as there is no intervention of humans as well as protected with a sophisticated security alarm system that ensures data is stored online so the consumption data can easily be retrieved.

Real-Time Notification Alerts

The Enernatural’s meters are just a trailer of a big game. These meters are installed as a display, there is a complete back-hand system running for the monitoring, auditing, recording, reporting, and emergency prevention system that even gives you real-time notifications alert through emails. It notifies you about the due date of electric bills payment, increase in electricity bill compared to the previous months’ bills, meter breakdown, etc.

Main & Sub-Meters Complete Monitoring Solution

Enernatural’s backend support system provides a main and sub-meters complete monitoring solutions to both the building owner and residents living in the multi-rise building. It’s also beneficial for building management where they can also get all the metering data to check which apartment is consuming how much.

In this way, the building management can point out the particular apartments whose consumption is unexpectedly more than others and ask them to curtail the electricity usage from an energy-saving point of view.

More to read: Why You Need a Commercial Buyers Agency to Find the Perfect Property

How I can reduce my electricity bill?

How I can reduce my electricity bill?

There can nothing be more important in the present times than money; for which everyone becomes a bloodsucker of others. But I think people possess a special place in their hearts for electricity-provider to whom they pay a lot and do not focus to save electricity in terms to reduce the electricity bills.

The question arises here that why people do not save electricity? The search for this answer took me to many places to find out the actual reasons.

I found that children in homes waste much electricity, immaturity and laziness also becomes a factor for energy-wasting, moreover, most of the people do not know the technical aspects to save electricity to get the bills reduced.

Conserve Electricity and reduce bills

People who don’t have awareness of conserving electricity for bills reduction, they should focus on the following points:

  1. With the advancement of technology, electricity has become a central need to run life. Every appliance needs electricity to get started and function. But being on a sensible road, it should be used efficiently.
  2. People should do away with heavy tube lights and install LED lights that are more energy-efficient and reduce electricity bills. 
  3. Train your children in a way that they should not misuse electricity. 
  4. Apply new techniques to overcome the past and use mux life mobile application that turns your appliances on and off whether you are not physically present near to the devices.
  5. The application-based system schedules your devices where you can set the timer at any device at any time you want your appliances to be switched on. 
  6. You should switch off your air-conditioners, all the lights and fans before leaving the room. 
  7. Rely more on daylight and use it as much as you can because the natural light gives you health and power.
  8. While your air-conditioner is switched on don’t let the door open and when the room gets cool, just switch it off until the room requires extra cooling.
  9. Put off your PCs, laptops and microwaves not-in-use. 
  10. Keep your bulbs clean to get much light from a single bulb. 
  11. Use stoves instead of microwaves for heating a large amount of food. 
  12. A fridge is one of the most used appliances in homes that works 24 hours without any break. People should timely switch it off to give a little break and conserve electricity from it because it is not necessary to let it remain switch on all the time. 
  13.  Wash your clothes from cold water and avoid using electric heaters for this purpose.
  14. Use dimmers to reduce the power of your lights and fans because it reduces electricity consumption. 
  15. Check you air-conditioner’s outer, when it requires cleaning just clean it because the dust on its fans jams the wings and then much electric power it uses to run. 

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Electricity metering system for multi rise buildings
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